An Unbound Chain, 2020

Egg Collective is pleased to present An Unbound Chain, a group exhibition featuring works by Hiroko Takeda, Simone Bodmer Turner, Taylor Kibby and Ben Medansky. 

A brain alive looks for openness; seeks freedom, identifies the break in the wall, the change in the rhythm, while simultaneously recognizing pattern and creating a set of organizing principals. DNA is our most basic organizing principal but scientists have discovered that even DNA can break free and become “unzipped" when bond force is applied, releasing the energy of an unbound chain. Hiroko Takeda, Simone Bodmer Turner, Taylor Kibby and Ben Medansky channel ideas of repetition, linkage and the strength of what begins as a coil but each allows for the artist alive to intervene, to seek the narrative that is complicated with ideas of the human heart; of touch, of imperfection and all the beauty that lies within the idiosyncrasies of balancing on the line between order and abandon.